Pain units or clinics are medical services dedicated to the study and treatment of patients with severe and almost always chronic pain, who do not respond to conventional treatments.
Patients are almost always referred by other specialists once they consider their usual therapeutic arsenal exhausted or when the origin of the pain is not clear.
The most common consultation causes are spinal pathologies (in operated and non-operated patients), severe osteoarticular pain, neuralgias and neuropathies, fibromyalgia, perineal pain, cancer pain, some types of headaches, etc.
The multidisciplinary approach with other specialists is fundamental for treating many of these cases, and so the department has other specialists such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, physiotherapist, etc., as well as consultants in all medical disciplines.
The study of the possible causes of the pain: disk pathology, degenerative pathology, post-surgical fibrosis, etc., is fundamental to be able to establish an adequate treatment plan. There are many percutaneous and minimally invasive procedures (epidural nerve blocks, transforminal injections, radiofrequency, epidurolysis, etc.) which can, in the majority of cases, resolve or at least alleviate this suffering.
Working in harmony with the surgeons makes it possible to decide better in the end which patients surgery.
Muscular and tendon injuries (tendinopathies, enthesitis) in athletes can treatment more focused on a faster and more effective recovery. Rehabilitation and physiotherapy techniques are essential for the treatment of these cases.
For the most complex symptoms, we have a high-definition ultrasound system to be able to perform treatments accurately on the damaged area. The computerised infrared thermography makes it possible to assess, in a simple and non-invasive manner, the development of the injury until the ad integrum recovery is achieved. The incorporation of combined cold and pressure techniques is one of the latest advances in the recovery of elite athletes.
The least invasive and traumatic device available on the market has been developed in our centre.
Electrical stimulation of the nervous system using small electrodes fitted percutaneously and performed through the outpatient facility making it possible to treat certain desperate cases of pain that do not respond to any other treatment, such as consequences of spinal surgery, peripheral neuropathies, ischemic pain in lower extremities. (it can prevent the amputation of the limb due to its vasodilator effects), angina pain or migraines.
In cases that do not respond to treatment, spinal catheters and subcutaneous pumps can be fitted for administration of analgesic and anaesthetic drugs to mitigate the most severe cases of pain.
We have the most advanced devices, which we are constantly updating, to be able to use the most adequate one for each pathology.
Dr. Alejandro Orts Castro
Dr. Lucio González Montero
The players of Real Madrid Basketball, who participated in the Eurobasket 2017, have passed the pre-season medical examinations.
Sanitas renewed its sponsorship with the Club Alcobendas Rugby for the 2017-2018 season. In this way, we continue to be your Official Medical Provider