Hospital Universitario La Moraleja Madrid



Real Madrid Basketball players pass medical examinations

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Real Madrid Basketball players pass medical examinations

The players of Real Madrid Basketball, who participated in the Eurobasket 2017, have passed the pre-season medical examinations.

Macilius, Anthony Randolf, Luka Doncic and Dino Radoncic have performed different tests to determine their fitness before the start of the season. The checks have been carried out in the Unit of Sports Medicine of the University Hospital Sanitas La Moraleja.

As you know, at the ning of this month his comrades Felipe Reyes, Rudy Fernandez, Gustavo Ayon, Santiago Yusta, Jaycee Carroll, Howard Samuel Thompkins and Jeffery Taylor also passed successful medical examinations.


Latest news and health adviceHospital Universitario La Moraleja
Real Madrid Basketball players pass medical examinations

The players of Real Madrid Basketball, who participated in the Eurobasket 2017, have passed the pre-season medical examinations.

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