Hospital Universitario La Moraleja Madrid


General and Digestive Surgery Department

The General Surgery department divides the pathologies into different sections according to the origin of the surgical pathology to be treated. Many of these processes can have different forms of treatment according to the possibility of minimally invasive approaches.


Cholelithiasis, choledocholithiasis, benign liver tumours, pancreatic tumours of the body and tail.
Gastro-oesophageal reflux surgery, diaphragmatic hernia surgery, achalasia, benign and malignant gastric and oesophageal tumour surgery.
Surgery of diverticula and their complications, colorectal cancer, appendectomy, sub-occlusive symptoms. Special mention to laparoscopic surgery on lower rectal cancer with anal preservation and laparoscopic approach.
Adrenal gland surgery, diabetes surgery.
Inguinal hernia surgery by TEP extraperitoneal approach, eventrations surgery, midline hernias surgery.
Be it through minimally invasive techniques or conventional surgery, depending on the case, our team, in coordination with the Oncology department of reference, develops the cancer treatment in its entirety. It must not be forgotten that early diagnosis is every bit as important as good treatment in cancer.

In our consultations, our specialists order and assess the most appropriate complementary tests to reach diagnostic certainty with regard to the oncological problem. The appropriate surgical intervention is performed and a personalised plan is designed with the Medical and Radiotherapy Oncology departments to complete the objective of curing the patient. The most frequent tumours treated are those whose origin is the thyroids, digestive tract (oesophagus, stomach, colon, pancreas), as well as the treatment of metastasis in the liver by means of various combined surgical, embolisation, radiofrequency or microwave treatments.

Sleeve (gastric sleeve), bypass.



Laparoscopic surgery is a surgical approach that has had great development since it was established at the end of the 1980s, although its development in Spain was popularised at the start of the 1990s.

The possibility of offering a minimally invasive approach for the surgical treatment of problems that used to large incisions has entailed a great revolution in modern surgery.

Today, with more than fifteen years of experience, the adaptation to new technical procedures and the development of more sophisticated tools, imaging systems, etc., we can say that it is undoubtedly a first-choice surgical approach for a series of increasingly broader procedures.

The technique consists of the introduction of a high-resolution optic system in the abdominal cavity, the insufflation of CO2 to distend the abdomen and the introduction of 5 and 10 mm instruments through trocars, to perform the same action as open surgery.

The advantages offered by laparoscopic surgery are based on the lack of trauma caused by incisions, which affords the patient a much quicker recovery and saves the energy they would need to heal the large incisions, as well as sparing them the degree of immune deficiency caused by the aggressiveness of the surgery. The surgery times are lower or equal to open surgery. The costs have been reducing and the stay in hospital is significantly lower in comparison with open surgery. Reintergration to social and working life is significantly sooner with the laparoscopic approach and so the social costs and recovery times for sporting and leisure activities are reduced.

Regardless of what has been explained above and assessing the different sections into which the activity of our Laparoscopic Surgery department is divided, they are all incorporated, as it is the approach of choice for many procedures.

Surgeries we perform in the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Moraleja by laparoscopy:

  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Choledocholithiasis.
  • Benign liver tumours.
  • Support in diagnostic processes.
  • Gastrooesophageal reflux surgery.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia surgery.
  • Achalasia surgery.
  • Benign gastric tumours.
  • Surgery on diverticula and their complications.
  • Colorectal cancer.
  • Appendectomy.
  • Subocclusive symptoms.
  • Inguinal hernia surgery by extraperitoneal (TEP) approach.
  • Eventration surgery.
  • Gastrooesophageal reflux surgery.
  • Mid-line hernia surgery.



Within the surgery area, our centre has a spacious and modern area for outpatient surgical procedures. The collaboration and desire of the patient to be attended to in this area is necessary to perform these procedures in the Major Outpatient Surgery department. In collaboration with the Anaesthesia department and the surgery nursing area, patients who can be operated on in this area without admission are ed.

This is the circuit that the patient follows: registration at Pre-admission they are assessed by the nursing staff once they have provided all the necessary documentation. They move to the operating theatre they will be anaesthetised with the ideal technique for the process and, depending on how the surgery unfolds, they will be sent to the Post-Anaesthesia Recovery Unit either in the postoperative observation area in a bed or in the seated recovery area with the person accompanying them until they are discharged from the Major Outpatient Surgery department. Any patient operated on in the Major Outpatient Surgery department can be admitted to the hospital if necessary.

Under this outpatient system, among other, the following are performed:

  • Removal of skin or fat lesions (lipomas).
  • Inguinal hernia surgery.
  • Proctology surgery (fissure, fistula, haemorrhoids, etc.).
  • Placement of subcutaneous devices for the administration of chemotherapy.



Our service in collaboration with the Accident & Emergency department is able to perform the surgery of our specialist area and to provide care for conditions requiring hospital admission from A&E for non-surgical treatment, observation or study.



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