Hospital Universitario La Moraleja Madrid


Teaching, training nad research

Teaching, training nad research


We contribute to the practical training of the future of medicine in Spain.

The Hospital Universitario La Moraleja is accredited as a teaching centre by the Ministry of Health, for the training of specialist doctors, and it provides this training to resident medical interns specialising in gynaecology and obstetrics as well as paediatrics. The resident medical intern places we offer enjoy increasing recognition, as demonstrated by the fact that each year they climb the preference list of medicine graduates.

This accreditation certifies the excellent quality of the medical services we offer. Thanks to our human and technical team, we have obtained the accreditation for teaching which very few private hospitals boast.

The annual training objectives are planned and established on an annual basis and presented in a tailor-made Individual Training Plan. Additionally, all residents have a common Cross Training Plan, which encompasses the common competences with the other residents.

The t Teaching Committee of the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Moraleja and the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Zarzuela has been formed pursuant to current legislation in order to guarantee a high level of training programmes of all healthcare professionals who develop their specialism programmes in Sanitas hospitals. The Teaching Committee is the body responsible for managing the matters relating to Specialist Training in our hospital, and it meets at least quarterly.



The continuous assessment will be completed by the mentors and the heads of the unit in which the specialist in training has spent time in rotation. The assessment will be reflected on a sheet that, once completed, will be sent to the Teaching Committee to be kept in the teaching file of the interested party. They are the so-called mentor-resident interviews and are completed quarterly.



Dear resident, If you are interested in learning about our hospitals for completing your residency, we would be delighted to you our facilities so that you can find out about the teaching units and meet the professionals from the department, your future mentor and residency colleagues, and to be able to explain our programmes and help clarify your doubts.

Below is information on residency in our hospitals.

Accredited teaching units
The Sanitas Group has two accredited teaching units:

  • Obstetrics and gynaecology teaching unit (2 resident medical intern places). One in the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Moraleja and another in the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Zarzuela.
  • Paediatrics teaching unit (1 resident medical intern place).

Each year, the offer of resident medical intern places for the following year is sent to the Ministry of Health, after the favourable assessment of the teaching capacity of our hospitals in the accredited teaching units.

New residents information
The choice of the resident medical intern placements offered by the Sanitas Group does not a prior interview or letter of acceptance.

The choice of hospital in the case of obstetrics and gynaecology residents will be made in accordance with the rank obtained in the resident medical intern examination.

  • Consult the gynaecology and obstetrics resident medical intern Welcome Manual
  • Consult the paediatrics and specific areas resident medical intern Welcome Manual

Resident mentors
Below are the resident mentors responsible for supervising the residents within the Sanitas Group:

  • Dr Carlos Calle. Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Moraleja.
  • Dr Antonio J. Hernández. Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Zarzuela.
  • Dr. Raquel Muñoz Paediatrics at the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Zarzuela.
  • Dr Gonzalo Oñoro. Paediatrics at the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Moraleja.

  • Emilio L. Matute - Chairman
  • Cristina Fernández - Vice-chairman
  • Mª Carmen Artero - Secretary
  • Luis M. Arnaiz - Hospital Universitario La Moraleja medical director
  • Juan Carlos Fuertes - Hospital Universitario la Moraleja medical director
  • Águeda de la Infanta - Medical executive management representative
  • Antonio Jesús Hernández - Obstetrics and gynaecology resident mentor
  • Carlos Calle Díez - Obstetrics and gynaecology resident mentor
  • Gonzalo Oñoro - Paediatrics resident mentor
  • Raquel Muñoz - Paediatrics resident mentor
  • Dra. Patricia Ríos – Representative R4
  • Dra. Celia Muñoz Gómez – Representative R3
  • Dra. Ana Villaoslada – Representative R2
  • Dra. Lucía Cilleruelo – Representative R1
  • Vicente Arribas de Paz - Medical specialisms representative
  • Rafael de la Cámara - Medical specialisms representative

One residents' representative for each year forms part of the Teaching Committee.

At the Teaching Committee of the Sanitas Group, we would like to encourage you to get to know our hospitals.

Our objective is to provide you with a quality residency, training great professionals by combining training and skills and competence development to acquire the specialist training, both from the point of view of the necessary theoretical knowledge and in terms of care and work.

According to Royal Decree 183/2008, of 8 February, the Teaching Committee is the collegiate body of the teaching units which is responsible for organising the training, overseeing its practical application and checking the fulfilment of the objectives set in the training programmes of the different health sciences specialisms. Additionally, it corresponds to the Teaching Committee to facilitate the integration of the training activities and the residents with the ordinary and care activity of the centre, planning their professional activity in the centre tly with the management bodies thereof.

  • Gynaecology and obstetrics residents training guide
  • Paediatrics residents training guide
  • Obstetrics and gynaecology residents supervision protocol
  • Paediatrics residents supervision protocol
  • Accident & Emergency residents supervision protocol
Secretary of the Teaching Committee: Mª Carmen Artero
Telelphone no.: (+34) 915852564



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