Hospital Universitario La Moraleja Madrid



10 years making the 10/10 hospital

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10 years making the 10/10 hospital

The Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Moraleja has cared for over one and a half million people and has become a benchmark hospital in Spain.


  • The hospital cares for people with pathologies 14% more complex than the national average of the best centres and has 20% fewer complications.
  • The centre has more efficient and safe clinical results for patients: 28% less mortality than the best hospitals in Spain.
  • The centre has obtained the Joint Commission International quality accreditation and the EFQM 2015 European Excellence Award, as well as holding all the ISO certifications applicable to the healthcare sector, and the QH*** certification from the Institute for the Development and Integration of Health (IDIS).
  • The Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Moraleja has been ed in the top 10 centres in terms of reputation, according to the MERCO healthcare index.

The Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Moraleja completes 10 years of service to patients as one of the benchmarks in care quality. "We have spent 10 years making the 10/10 hospital. We have managed to be a benchmark of excellent medicine thanks to all the teams of doctors and nurses and thanks to the over 1.5 million people who have trusted us with caring for their health and well-being", explained Jesús Bonilla, general manager of Sanitas Hospitals, PPPs and Our Services.


Over 500,000 medical actions each year

Every year, the hospital deals with and completes over 380,000 external consultations, around 13,000 surgical procedures, over 125,000 emergencies and 1,600 births, with a caesarean rate of 26%. With respect to births, the centre deals with premature births in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, which has the maximum accreditation with respect to the complexity of the cases with which it can deal and boasts professionals trained to manage births taking place even in week 28 of pregnancy. In fact, each year, the High Risk Obstetrics Unit deals with 31 premature births. Of them, 25 are babies born before 34 weeks and 8 before 28 weeks. Furthermore, the unit manages 21 multiple births each year.

With respect to the opinion of its patients, in accordance with the satisfaction surveys that the centre performs regularly, 9 out of every 10 people who have received care in the centre would recommend the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Moraleja to their friends and family.


Comparison with the best

The Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Moraleja has a risk-adjusted complications rate 20 percent below the average obtained by the best centres in Spain. It cares for patients with cases 14 percent more complex than the best hospitals in Spain and obtains first-class clinical results, with a mortality rate 28% below that of the leading centres.

This translates into safer medical practice, more focused on the needs of patients, and greater clinical efficiency. The centre has incorporated 2 intelligent operating theatres integrating all the patient's information to make it available to the surgeon when they need to make a decision with the greatest volume of data possible.

Furthermore the centre has maximised the use of imaging for diagnosis and treatment, providing the professionals with all the imaging systems significantly to improve the result of the care processes: the hybrid PET-TC system, the gamma camera, the digitalisation of all radiology, the incorporation of the interventional radiology room, 3D reconstruction, etc.

In this same line, the centre has adapted its care offer to the needs of patients, with the implementation of the Cancer Care and Advice Unit, the Sports Medicine Unit, the Assisted Reproduction Unit and the Breast Reconstruction Unit, including 3D tattooing.

Furthermore, the centre manages the impact of its activity on the environment. It has obtained the international ISO 14064 and 50001 certifications and, more importantly, has reduced the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent it emits to the atmosphere by 13.4% in the last 3 years, with a total of 349 fewer tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emitted.


Sector recognition

The centre is a benchmark of private healthcare in Spain and has built its reputation on the pillars of excellent, safe, human, innovative and trustworthy care. It is one of the few hospitals in Europe simultaneously to hold the Joint Commission International accreditation and the quality certification of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) which, in the last few months, also recognised the hospital with the EFQM 2015 European Excellence Award.

"We have been working intensively on our total quality management model since 2009. Now we boast all the ISO quality certifications applicable to the healthcare sector (ISO 9001 on management model, ISO 14001 on environment, ISO 14064 on energy management, ISO 50001 on carbon footprint and ISO 170001 on accessibility), the QH*** quality seal of the Institute for the Development and Integration of Health, and we are one of the 10 leading private centres in terms of reputation in Spain, according to the MERCO healthcare index”, added Bonilla.

The hospital also carries out teaching work ranging from undergraduate training, through the Agreement with the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, to the training of resident medical interns in the specialisms of gynaecology & obstetrics and paediatrics. Since its incorporation to the Resident Medical Intern Programme, it has already trained 4 specialists in obstetrics and gynaecology.


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