Hospital Universitario La Moraleja Madrid



Obtaining the Joint Commission International accreditation

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Obtaining the Joint Commission International accreditation

The seal of excellence of the Joint Commission International, the most rigorous in the world, is a competitive advantage of Sanitas Hospitales.


The obtainment of the Joint Commission International quality accreditation, the most rigorous and recognised seal of excellence in the world, in the Sanitas university hospitals of La Zarzuela and La Moraleja, is a distinguishing element for patients across the world The fact that they hold this accreditation, combined with the excellent care results of both hospitals, is allowing the centres to attract the interest of people from all over the world seeking the highest quality healthcare to resolve their health problems.

"The phenomenon of healthcare tourism is not new in Europe, Asia or the United States. Patients from all over the world search for information on the centres that offer most guarantees and which boast the best care results. These people significantly value centres that hold recognised international seals such as that of the t Commission International or the European Foundation of Excellence (EFQM) and are prepared to travel in order to access these outstanding services", explained Jesús Bonilla, general manager of Sanitas Hospitals, PPPs and Our Services.

In this sense, the centres of Sanitas' Madrid campus, the Sanitas university hospitals of La Zarzuela and La Moraleja, and of the Barcelona campus, the Hospital Sanitas CIMA, are perfectly positioned to meet the needs of international patients. "Some years ago, people suffering from cancer travelled to the United States for oncological treatment. Today, patients choose to come to Spain, to the centres with the seals of quality they know and in which they trust because they know that we offer specialist care with the same level of excellence. And the same happens with healthcare services. We boast a vast portfolio of medical services in the area of assisted reproduction, oncology, and paediatric, cardiac, bariatric and robotic surgery, which are equipped perfectly to meet the expectations of this type of patient", asserted Bonilla.

Sanitas' care offer will be present at the Fitur fair, which s tomorrow, with a conference on robotic surgery, which will be attended by Dr Ignacio Moncada, head of the Urology department at the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Zarzuela, and one of the few specialists who perform more than a hundred robotic procedures per year; Dr Ignacio Cristóbal, head of the Gynaecology department at the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Moraleja; Javier Álvarez, head of General Surgery at the Hospital Universitario Sanitas La Zarzuela; and Dr Iñaki Ferrando, director of scientific communication at Sanitas, who will act as moderator of the event in which the da Vinci robotic system, the most advanced in the world, will share the protagonism in order to perform a live demonstration of its precision and effectiveness.


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